Saturday, July 14, 2007


respect the earth
shes all we got
slow groove
down till we rot

we might dry up n fade away
oor we might live to see another day

is it an end of an era?
or an end of you
or even me?

but what of he?
or she?
well there here too
listing endlessly through a thought of interstellar dance

but what can we do?
nothing i say
take it as we may
weve done it our way'

maybe its not our turn
or maybe it is?
i dont know
or even care

discerning finding the way
finding the save
to an angry gray

while away the years
reading in tears

dance to the slow groove
mother natures groove
she wants ya to move

honor your friend
but before you know it
she might be dead

but why should you care
leave it out
bear the fall
become your part
soil, loam food for the soul
your downfall makes the rest of us bloom

but then we die
to make the next years harvest bloom
finding and minding the path that we tread

up and down with the moon
maybe the sun will join you too?

respect the earth
and when its your time
dance for the one last time

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